All the Cats in the World

Old Mikila fed the wild cats at the base of the light house, all the while ignoring the teasing of the light house keeper. But when she fell sick, it was the very same keeper who fed her beloved cats thus starting a friendship that brought warmth to their aged lives. | ||
Musical introduction by Caleb Summeril | ||
Grades: 2, 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 7 Pages. |
Appears in: Cricket Magazine Vol 12, Num 6, Feb 1985 | ||
Category: Friendship, Love Story |
I Want to Go to Kurachek

When Fedor is taking his grapes to market one day he is passed by a man on his way to the miraculous city of Kurachek. Fedor becomes obsessed with going to Kurachek but in preparing to go, he discovers that there is no place like home. | ||
Musical introduction by Caleb Summeril | ||
Grades: | 5 Stars. | 7 Pages. |
Appears in: Cricket Magazine Vol 5, Num 10 , June 1978 | ||
Category: Folk Tale, Growth & Living, Wisdom |
The Fisherman and the Bird

Rico has lived and fished alone since being jilted in his youth. But one day, Rico discovers that a pair of beautiful birds have built a nest at the top of his mast. He is ready to destroy the nest so that he can sail, but the local school teacher convinces Rico of the rarity of the birds and the importance of letting them nest. Begrudgingly, Rico lets the birds nest and is meanwhile transformed by their beauty and the friendship of the villagers. | ||
Grades: 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 6 Pages. |
Appears in: Levitin, Sonia. The Fisherman and the Bird | ||
Category: Historical Fiction, Kindness, Friendship |
A Single Speckled Egg

Farmers Abel, Nagel and Zeke loved to worry, always threatening that they would have to sell their farms. Weary of their husband’s complaints, the wives went to the village Teacher, the wisest man in the village, to find a solution. While his solution wasn’t at all what they expected, it worked like a charm. | ||
Grades: 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 4 Pages. |
Appears in: Levitin, Sonia. A Single Speckled Egg | ||
Category: Friendship, Humor
Boom Town

Amanda and her family have come to California to join her father in the mining camp but they find nothing but a few broken down log cabins. Soon Amanda is baking pies that her Pa sells to the miners and she is suggesting to traveling peddlers and wandering artisans they they settle down and open shops. Soon enough their cabin is smack dab in the middle of a Boom Town. | ||
Grades: 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 6 Pages. |
Appears in: Levitin, Sonia. Boom Town | ||
Category: Historical Fiction, Female Protagonist, Frontier Fiction |
Nobody Stole the Pie

The town of Little Digby had at its heart a beautiful lollyberry tree and each fall the town bakers would pick the berries and make an immense pie for the whole village to share. But overnight, as it was cooling in preparation for the next day’s celebration, birds, animals and people would take just a crumb, or a single berry thinking their bite was too insignificant to matter. However, come morning, when the wise mayor went to distribute the pie it was all but gone. So? Who stole the pie? | ||
Grades:1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 12 Pages. |
Appears in: Levitin, Sonia. Nobody Stole the Pie | ||
Category: Humor, Parable |
The King’s River Party

Henry, a wonderful flute player and Alexis, a beautiful dancer are twins. But they’re poor and work for pennies a day for the royal baker. When the king announces a river party, they each secretly accept usury terms from the baker to send their sibling to the party. But when the king discovers their talent, he frees them of their bond to the baker and the baker gets his comeuppance. Note: Sonia Levitin initially wrote this as a multi-media play for childrens theatre. For more information and licensing rights, please contact the author, |
Grades: 3, 4, 5, 6 | 5 Stars. | 10 Pages. |
Appears in: | ||
Category: Fairy Tale |
Who Owns the Moon?

Farmers Abel, Nagel and Zeke could argue about anything, and did. But when they started to argue about which of them owned the moon, their wives said enough was enough and demanded they go into town and talk to the Teacher who settled their argument in a very clever fashion. |
Grades: 3, 4, 5 | 5 Stars. | 4 Pages. |
Appears in: Levitin, Sonia. Who Owns the Moon | ||
Category: Friendship, Humor |